


Lead Principle Investigators

Principle Investigators


Former Members

Academic Advisory Board

Prof. Dr. Dorota Dakowska is a professor of Political Science at Sciences Po Aix, Department of Political Science. Her research interests are democratisation in Central and Eastern Europe, dealing with the communist past, international organisations, higher Education reforms in Poland and Ukraine, European politics and authoritarianism. > Homepage Prof. Dakowska (Photo: © Sciences Po Aix)

Prof. Dr. Georg Gartner is a professor and Head of Research Unit Cartography at Technical University Wien, department of Geodesy and Geoinformation.  His research interests are theoretical cartography,  location-based services, multmedia and modern cartography. > Homepage Prof. Gartner (Photo: (c) private)

Prof. Dr. Andrea Gawrich is a professor for International Integration with a special focus on Eastern Europe at Justus Liebig University Giessen, Department of Political Science. Her research interests include Eastern Europe, conflict management, democratisation and EU-relations and international organisations. > Homepage Prof. Gawrich (Photo: (c) JLU Gießen)

Prof. Dr. Josip Glaurdić is a professor of Political Science at University of Luxembourg, Institute of Political Science. His research interests are conflict/post-conflict, elections/voters, comparative politics, political economy, international relations and Southeast Europe. > Homepage Prof. Glaurdić (Photo: (c) private)

Dr. Sophie Lambroschini is a Principal investigator at LimSpaces project in Centre Marc Bloch. Her research interests include contemporary history and economic sociology of Russia and Ukraine, elite networks, ordinary economic actors and critical infrastructure and public utilities in conflict. > Homepage Dr. Lambroschini (Photo: (c) private)

Prof. Dr. Jenniver Sehring is an Associate Professor of Water Governance and Diplomacy at IHE Delft Institute for Water Education. Her research interests are water governance on various levels, practices of water cooperation and diplomacy, gender relations and affective aspects in water politics and Central Asia. > Homepage Prof. Sehring (Photo: (c) IHE Delft)

Prof. Dr. Gerard Toal is a Professor, Government and International Affairs (GIA) at Virginia Tech, School of Public and International Affairs. His research interests are critical geopolitics, nationalism and territorial conflicts, political geography, climate change and geopolitics and US hegemony, transatlanticism and Ukraine. > Homepage Prof. Toal (Photo: (c) Virginia Tech)

Associated Partners

German Academic Partners

Centre Marc Bloch
Deutsch-französisches Zentrum für Sozialwissenschaften, Berlin
> Homepage CMB

Dr. Regina Heller
Universität Hamburg
Institut für Friedensforschung und Sicherheitspolitik (ISFH)
> Homepage Dr. Heller

Dr. Anne Holper
Prof. Dr. Arne Kirchhoff
Institut für Konfliktmanagement (IKM)
Europa-Universität Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder)
> Homepage IKM

Dr. Alina Jašina-Schäfer
Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz
> Homepage Dr. Jašina-Schäfer

Prof. Dr. Matthias Middell
Leipziger Research Centre Global Dynamics
> Homepage Prof. Dr. Middell

Prof. Dr. Heiko Pleines
Universität Bremen
Forschungsstelle Osteuropa
> Homepage Prof. Dr. Pleines

Prof. Dr. Stefan Troebst
Global and European Studies Institute (GESI)
Universität Leipzig
> Homepage Prof. Dr. Troebst

International Academic Partners

Prof. Dr. Eiki Berg
University of Tartu, Estonia
De Facto States Research Unit (DFSRU) 
> Homepage DFSRU

Gaëlle Le Pavic, MA
United Nations University – CRIS / Ghent University
> Homepage Le Pavic, MA

Thomas de Waal
Carnegie Europe
> Homepage Carnegie Europe

Prof. Dr. Stefan Wolff
> Homepage Prof. Dr. Wolff

Practitioners and Science Communication

Auswärtiges Amt

Balkan Investigative Reporting Network (BIRN), Marija Ristic
Sarajevo (BH)
> Homepage BIRN

Corridors – Dialog Through Cooperation, Sebastian Relitz
> Homepage Corridors

dekóder – Russland entschlüsseln
> Homepage dekóder

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Osteuropakunde (DGO),
Dr. Gabriele Freitag
> Homepage DGO

Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES)
Regionalbüro für Zusammenarbeit und Frieden in Europa Wien
> Homepage FES

Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung (HBS)
Abteilung Internationale Zusammenarbeit
Referat Ost- und Südosteuropa
Walter Kaufmann
> Homepage HBS Ost- und Südosteuropa

Kennan Institute – Woodrow Wilson Center, Dr. Mykhailo Minakov
> Homepage Kennan Institute

Regional Center of Expertise on Education for Sustainable Development Kyrgyzstan (RCE KG)
Dr. Chinara Sadykova
> Homepage RCE KG

> Homepage Südosteuropagesellschaft