LECTURE: Un:Sicherheit: Wie hat sich die Wahrnehmung von Sicherheit in Osteuropa verändert?

ZOiS, Berlin Mohrenstr. 60, Berlin, Germany

Public Lecture (in German) by Nadja Douglas within the Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften

Saturday 17 June 2023 - 20.00 at ZOiS

The Russian war of aggression has changed many things. The understanding, perception, demands and needs of and for security have also changed in the states of Eastern Europe. This is especially true for Russia's neighbouring countries. Together we will question the classic concept of security and look at the results of an expert workshop held at ZOiS, which sought new approaches.

PAPER at “Ukraine’s Place in a Fragmented World Order”: Ekaterina Mikhailova & Cindy Wittke

Ekaterina Mikhailova and Cindy Wittke (both IOS) presented individual papers at "Ukraine's Place in a Fragmented World Order" organised by PeaceRep-Ukraine on 10-11 July 2023 in Vienna

Cindy Wittke: Unpacking the Domestic and International Contexts of Uzbekistan-Kazakhstan New Allied Relations: View from the Borderlands

Ekaterina Mikhailova: Untying the Caucasian Knot - How Democracy and Security Interact in Ukraine's Southeastern Neighbourhood