WORKSHOP: In:Security in Border Regions

ZOiS, Berlin Mohrenstr. 60, Berlin, Germany

Closed Workshop at ZOiS
08 June 2023
Organisation: Nadja Douglas and Sabine von Löwis (ZOiS)

LECTURE: Forschen in Zeiten des Krieges – geht das?

Museum für Naturkunde Berlin Invalidenstr. 43, Berlin, Germany

Public lecture (in German) by Gwendolyn Sasse (ZOiS) within the Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften

17 June 2023 - 19.30 at the Naturkundemuseum Berlin

Since Russia's attack on the whole of Ukraine from February 2022, the question of the possibilities of social science research on Eastern Europe has taken on a new urgency. How can social science research help in understanding the developments, what kind of research is possible in war at all and what roles do scientists take on in times of war? Gwendolyn Sasse gives a brief insight into the relevance and challenges of social science research on Eastern Europe before and since 24 February 2022.