Academic Coordinator, ZOiS


Kerstin Bischl has been the academic coordinator of the KonKoop research network at ZOiS since April 2022.

She brings a cultural and global history perspective to her work. Her PhD at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin was on gender relations and the dynamics of violence in the everyday life of Red Army soldiers from 1941 to 1945. She was subsequently a research associate at the University of Göttingen, where she worked on a research project on Soviet Jews in ‘late socialism’, established cooperations with universities and civil society partners in Russia, Georgia and Belarus, and coordinated the research network Ambivalences of the Soviet. 


Conflicts and Memory Culture

Institutional Exchange

Russia, Central Asia, Caucasus

Main publications

„Frontbeziehungen. Geschlechterverhältnisse und Gewaltdynamiken im Alltag der Roten Armee 1941-1945“, Hamburg: Hamburger Edition 2019.

Female Red Army Soldiers in World War II and Beyond (Chapter 6). In: Catherine Baker (Ed.): Gender in 20th-Century Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union, London: Palgrave Macmillian 2017, S. 113-126.

Presenting Oneself: Red Army Soldiers and Violence in the Great Patriotic War, 1941-1945. In: Mark Hewitson (Ed.): Combatants, Civilians and Cultures of Violence. History. The Journal of the Historical Association, Volume 101, Issue 346, July 2016, S. 464–479..

Und dann war ich nicht mehr da. Überlebende erinnern sexuelle Gewalt bei der Befreiung. In: Alina Bothe, Christina Brüning (Hg.): Geschlecht und Erinnerung im digitalen Zeitalter – neue Perspektiven auf ZeitzeugInnenarchive, Berlin: LIT Verlag 2014, S. 135-156.

Telling stories. Gender relationships and masculinity in the Red Army 1941-45. In: Röger, Maren; Leiserowitz, Ruth (Ed.): Women and Men at War – A gender Perspective on World War II and its Aftermath in Central and Eastern Europe, Osnabrück: fibre 2012, S. 117-134.


Mohrenstr. 60, 10117 Berlin

  +49 30 2005949-51


  Kerstin Bischl at ZOiS

Home Institution

ZOiS – Centre for Eastern European and International Studies