Prof. Dr. Rafael Biermann

Principal Investigator, Uni Jena



Rafael Biermann is Professor and Chair of International Relations at FSU.

Rafel Biermann studied political science, history and German literature at the Universities of Cologne and USC Los Angeles and wrote his Ph.D. on the Soviet Union and German unification at the University of Bonn. He worked for two years for the German Chancellor and for four years in the Ministry of Defense Planning Staff, then as visiting professor at the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, CA, and as a vice dean in the College of the George C. Marshall Center for Security Studies in Garmisch. He directed for eight years a double degree program with the National University Kyiv Mohyla Academy in Kyiv. Rafael Biermann has established the international Master program “International Organizations and Crisis Management” at Jena University.

CV Rafael Biermann

Research interests
  • International organizations and their interaction
  • Intra-state conflicts, esp. ethnic and secessionist conflicts
  • Conflict resolution, esp. crisis prevention, mediation, peacebuilding, humanitarian intervention and RtoP, peace ethics
  • European security governance
  • Regional focus on South Eastern Europe, Caucasus, and transatlantic relations
Main publications

Biermann, Rafael; Rehrmann, Carolina; Tolliday, Phillip (eds). Societies in Transition. The Caucasus and the Balkans between Conflict and Reconciliation. Göttingen: Vandenhoek & Ruprecht, 2020

Biermann, Rafael. Lehrjahre im Kosovo. Das Scheitern der internationalen Krisenprävention vor Kriegsausbruch. Paderborn: Schöningh, 2006

Biermann, Rafael (accepted). Patron-client Relations in Secessionist Conflict. In: Territory, Politics, Governance 


Carl-Zeiß-Straße 3, 07743 Jena

  +49 36419-45411


 Rafael Biermann at Uni Jena

Home Institution

FSU – Friedrich Schiller University, Department for Political Science