KonKoop-members Mela Zuljevic, Sofia Gavrilova, Jana Moser (all IfL) will jojn EuroCarto Conference 2024, organising a workshop on multiperspective cartography in conflict visualisation.
This workshop explores approaches, potentials and limitations of visualising multiple perspectives in peace and conflict cartography. It addresses complexities and uncertainties in how maps politicise space, and challenges in integrating critical perspectives in day-to-day cartographic research and practice. The engagement of maps with multiple perspectives is expected to enable discussions on scientific authority, transparency, and trustworthiness, as well as inclusion of bottom up and personal perspectives. The workshop takes up a reflective practice approach, starting from discussing existing examples of multiperspectivity in maps and visualisations (via short presentations). From there, participants work in groups on collecting and reviewing cartographic practices that engage with multiple perspectives in terms of both map analysis and production. The workshop aims to deliver an outline of a multiperspective approach to visualising peace and conflict, with the ambition of gathering a cartographic community around the topic.
Questions the workshop aims to tackle: Which cartographic tools enable multiple ways of seeing (e.g. map variables or cartographic focalisation)? What are the existing ways of visualising different perspectives in cartography? What is the relevance of positionality, contextualisation, narrativity and personal perspectives in articulating multiple geographies? What are the limitations and risks associated with visualising multiple perspectives?
8 September 2024 – 13:00 CET in Wien
Organisation: International Cartographic Association, TU Wien, British Cartographic Society