B4: Orthodoxy and Social Peace
Dr. Regina Elsner (WWU/ ZOiS)
Project description
In the post-Soviet countries, the Orthodox churches have gained significant power to shape society; they are very well connected to state structures and have influence on value discourses that determine political and social action. Social conflicts as well as military conflicts in the region show that the role of the Orthodoxy is often ambivalent. While lacking a theological system of peace-ethical concepts, the linkage of transnational church structures with national and sometimes imperial claims defines the way churches behave in conflict. Most recent examples are the war in Ukraine, social protests in Belarus or the territorial conflicts on the Russian-Georgian border.
The project aims to provide a theological analysis of the Orthodox concepts of peace and conflict, which seems indispensable for understanding the influence of the churches on the respective social discourses in the region. This applies both to the inner-church conceptions and practices of peace, reconciliation and conflict in view of the disentanglement of church structures after the end of the Soviet Union, and to the church conceptions of social peace and secular mechanisms of conflict resolution.
Key questions
- What understandings of social peace carries Orthodoxy?
- In which ways does Orthodoxy impact social conflicts and conflict-transformation in Eastern Europe?
Methodology and sources
- Expert interviews
- Text and discourse analysis
- Monitoring of selected topical discourses about contested social issues among Orthodox communities in Ukraine, Russia and Georgia
Project team
Dr. Regina Elsner
Related publications
ARTICLE: Im Krieg Frieden (neu) denken? Orthodoxe Friedensethik in Osteuropa – by R. Elsner
In: Una Sancta. 78(3), 2023, pp 163-175
ARTICLE: Diskurse über Krieg und Frieden. Die Rolle der Orthodoxie im Russischen Angriffskrieg auf die Ukraine – by R. Elsner
ARTICLE: Orthodoxie im postsowjetischen Raum: Kampf der Zivilisationen? – by R. Elsner
In: Theologisch-Praktische Quartalsschrift, 171(2), 2023, pp. 147-156.
ARTICLE: Kirchen im Krieg: Das Ende der Selbstverständlichkeit – by R. Elsner
In: Theologie der Gegenwart (ThG), 66 (2), 2023, pp. 103-114
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