PAPER at the 30th International Conference of Europeanists

Sciences Po Lyon 14 Avenue Berthelot, Lyon 7e, Lyon, France

The DataLab coordinator Ivaylo Dinev (ZOiS) presented his paper "Historical Processes and Movement Strategies: Tracing the Divergent Paths of the New Left in Southeast Europe" at the Thirtieth International Conference of Europeanists on 3-5 July in Lyon, France.

SESSION ORGANISATION at RGS-IBG Conference: Reimagining Conflict and War Cartography through Multiperspective Approaches

London , United Kingdom

Sofia Gavrilova, Jana Moser (both IfL) will organise a session 'Reimagining Conflict and War Cartography through Multiperspective Approaches' in the annual international conference of Royal Geographical Society.

27-30 August 2024 – 9:00 CET in London/online

Organisation: Royal Geographical Society (RGS) with Institute of British Geographers (IBG)

TRAINING: Mixed Methods Workshop at Viadrinicum

ZOiS, Berlin Mohrenstr. 60, Berlin, Germany

Research workshops by Ivaylo Dinev, Kostiantyn Fedorenko, and Oksana Mikheieva (all ZOiS)

28 August 2024, X. Viadrinicum Summer School

Organisation: European University Viadrina in Frankfurt (Oder) in cooperation with ZOiS