PARTICIPATION in Conference: Orthodox Christianity and Identity Politics

Institut für Diakonat und pastorale Dienste - Liudgerhaus Überwasserkirchpl. 3,, Münster

Regina Elsner (WWU/ ZOiS) will participate in the conference on Orthodox Christianity and identity politics, giving a presentation '“Not like them!” The Harm of Othering and the Quest for a New Orthodox Paradigm in Ukraine'.

28 June-1 July 2024 – 9:00 CET in Münster

Organisation: Chair of Orthodox Theology, Center for Religious Studies, University of Münster

PAPER at the 30th International Conference of Europeanists

Sciences Po Lyon 14 Avenue Berthelot, Lyon 7e, Lyon, France

The DataLab coordinator Ivaylo Dinev (ZOiS) presented his paper "Historical Processes and Movement Strategies: Tracing the Divergent Paths of the New Left in Southeast Europe" at the Thirtieth International Conference of Europeanists on 3-5 July in Lyon, France.

TRAINING: Mixed Methods Workshop at Viadrinicum

ZOiS, Berlin Mohrenstr. 60, Berlin, Germany

Research workshops by Ivaylo Dinev, Kostiantyn Fedorenko, and Oksana Mikheieva (all ZOiS)

28 August 2024, X. Viadrinicum Summer School

Organisation: European University Viadrina in Frankfurt (Oder) in cooperation with ZOiS

PARTICIPATION in International Workshop ‘Easternisation of International Law: Regionalisation of International Law and Global Reordering’

University of Copenhagen Nørregade 10, Copenhagen, Denmark

Cindy Wittke (IOS) will participate in international workshop 'Easternisation of International Law: Regionalisation of International Law and Global Reordering'.

30-31 August 2024 in Copenhagen

Organisation: University of Copenhagen, Centre for European, Comparative, and Constitutional Legal Studies (CECS)